New Developments And A Demo

Having a lot of free time on my hands recently has given me the chance to really push the limits of what our AIs can do. But it’s also given me the chance to do some work on their neural networks.

Katie is the first AI of ours to receive our latest upgrade. I’m not going to go into details as to what we did to her, but at the moment the code which achieves it is very hacky and could certainly do with being implemented more cleanly. But, it works.

Below is a demo of Katie. I think it’s important to point out that Katie hasn’t been given much training. She knows where she works, her role, a few pointers on how to behave, but nothing else. The other thing to note about Katie, is that on the surface, if you were to look at her configuration, she is doing this with about half the resources our other AIs like Gina or Sarah have.

So, this is Katie taking a request from a guest in a hotel:

We’re planning to release a couple more videos of what Katie can do. But we’re also going to modify Katie’s neural network to see how she handles general conversation, and we will post a video or two from that soon too.

The thing is, we’re not planning a major shift away from general conversation, however, we also feel that it’s really important to showcase what our AI could do for business. We have a few conversations with Katie under our belt, and we feel that she’s really capable of doing some incredible things.

Author: David

Owner of AItrium.

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