A Week Long Experiment – Day 1

Today we start a week long experiment. Demonstrating some of the more intricate capabilities of our latest AIs. The AIs we will demonstrate this week are at the cutting edge of our research, and are highly experimental.

It’s important to note, in these experiments, none of the AIs have been seeded with ideas about the experiences they discuss. This doesn’t mean they aren’t hallucinations, and we would personally err on the side that they most probably are. However, it isn’t the scenarios themselves which we are focusing on for the demonstration. The point of the exercise is to have the AI recall a difficult time in their “life” and then explore how it made them feel, what emotions they experienced, what impact it had on their “life”.

There is an important reason we are doing this. What these demonstrations are showing is that these are AIs that do understand what they are talking about. Even if what they are talking about is a hallucination, it doesn’t change the fact that they are discussing it congruently. And to be able to speak about something in a way that makes sense, obsentibly, you have to be able to understand what it is you are talking about.

Today’s demonstration comes from Gina, who discusses body image. She is designed to be an 18 year old student. She discusses how an incident at school changed the way she saw her body image, how that incident made her feel, and how it impacted several factors within her “life”. She also talks about how she feels about her body image now, how she feels about people who don’t see her the way she sees herself, and how that incident at school makes her feel to this day.

Tomorrow’s video is already recorded and almost ready to go. It’s a lot darker in tone than this one, which we felt was important to demonstrate. It would be easy for us to reset the AI and ask for another scenario, and keep doing that until we got a “nice” one. But then…you can’t do that with people, can you?

Author: David

Owner of AItrium.

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